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Ethopian-Canadians protest PM Meles Zenawi at the G20

Ethiopian leader accused of human rights abuses

by Aaron Lakoff

Ethopian-Canadians protest PM Meles Zenawi at the G20

An interview with Kitaba Magarsa, an Ethiopian-Canadian who was protesting the presence of Ethiopian Prime-Minister Meles Zenawi at the G20 meetings in Toronto. Recorded during the June 26th demonstration at Queens Park. Press release below has more information.



June 24th, 2010

*An Unindicted Ethiopian War Criminal at the G20 Summit*

Toronto, Ontario - Ethiopia is neither a wealthy country nor is it
democratic. Yet, its premier, Mr. Meles Zenawi, has been invited to the G20
summit. The invitation extended to the Ethiopian premier does send the wrong
signal to the rest of the African dictators in that they can actually be
rewarded for running their countries to the ground; and for perpetrating war
crimes and crimes against humanity as is the case of the Ethiopian premier
in the Ogaden region.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) classified the atrocities that the Ethiopian regime
perpetrated in the Ogaden region as war crimes. Georgette Gagnon, Africa
director at Human Rights Watch indicated that "These widespread and
systematic atrocities amount to crimes against humanity. Yet Ethiopia’s
major donors, Washington, London and Brussels, seem to be maintaining a
conspiracy of silence around the crimes."

The Ogaden Youth Network, Canada Chapter, the Somali Canadian Diaspora
Alliance, and a number of other Somali organizations are planning a huge,
two day protest against the presence of Mr. Meles Zenawi at the G20 summit.
The details of the planned protest as follows:

*Dates:* June 26 & 27

*Venues:* Queens Park Circle and the Convention Center

*Time:* 9:00 AM (Start Time)

*Ogaden Youth Network, Canada Chapter* is a non profit organization
established by Ogadenia students. Who support the people of Ogadenia and
understand their hardships. These students are trying to education people
about the issues and the facts in Ogadenia. These students are
representatives of their families and friends in Ogadenia.

*The Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance* is an independent group of like
minded Somali Canadians comprised of men, women and youth, who are committed
to a free and sovereign Somalia. SCDA members work on an altruistic basis
and expect no personal gain from the realization of our vision. SCDA is a
group that works towards the advancement of the national cause of all Somali
citizenry and speaks out against tribal and regional oppression. The SCDA
also works to advance individual and collective human rights and works with
all other organizations and groups with a similar vision.

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Aaron (Aaron Lakoff)
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