Thu. Jan. 16 @ 7:00pm
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), room 4414
252 Bloor St. W. (at St. George subway station)
The recent death of Nelson Mandela has been rightfully mourned by revolutionaries and freedom fighters around the globe. He was one of the major leaders of the anti-Apartheid struggle and a fighter against the monstrous Apartheid regime. For this reason he was imprisoned for life by the former Apartheid state. In contrast to the crocodile tears shed today, the South African regime and its international allies at the time vilified Mandela, labelling him a terrorist and a communist.
Although Apartheid has been formally abolished in South Africa, the divisions and contradictions within South African society have not. Now, the working class of South Africa is once again rising up and taking hold of the revolutionary qualities that made Mandela such a respected freedom fighter. They look to finish the task of fighting for freedom and equality, a task that Mandela was unable to complete.
Come out to listen to the real history of Nelson Mandela and what are the prospects of revolutionary struggle in South Africa.
Presented by Fightback —
For more information, please contact, or call (416) 461-0304.
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