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Cinema Politica UofT: "Tambogrande: Mangos, Murder, Mining"

- 10:00pm
Wednesday May 27 2015

Venue: Koffler House / Multi-Faith Centre - auditorium/room 108
Address: 569 Spadina Ave
Cost: FREE

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SYNOPSIS: In 1999, the residents of Tambogrande, a small town in northern Peru, learned that the government had secretly granted mining concessions on their land to a multi-national corporation. The residents of Tambogrande organized The Defense Front to protect their town. The directors follow the Tambogrande residents' five-year-long struggle to thwart the Peruvian government's connivance with corporate plans that would despoil their land and destroy their livelihoods. (This film is in Spanish with English Subtitles; more detailed description + trailer).

ABOUT ULISES GARCIA - Ulises is is a human rights activist from Perú. He became a community leader in Tambogrande, Peru and known for his work throughout Peru and in a number of countries in Latin America after the assassination of his father Godofredo Garcia Baca in March 2001. Ulises’ father was the leader of the main opposition to a Canadian mega-“development” mining project, owned by the Canadian mining company Manhattan Minerals, and was a beloved leader of the community of Tambogrande. Since the assassination, Ulises Garcia continued to lead and support the struggle of his community of Tambogrande, as well as other communities in Latin America , for the right to self determination and the right to maintain their sustainable agriculture lifestyles.

ABOUT MISN (MINING INJUSTICE SOLIDARITY NETWORK) - The Mining Injustice Solidarity Network (MISN) is a Toronto-based activist group that organizes to draw attention to and resist the negligent practices of Canadian mining companies, who comprise over 75% of mining businesses worldwide. In solidarity with affected communities and in response to their calls for support, we: Educate… the Canadian public on mining injustices in Canada and around the world; Advocate… for stronger community control of mining practices, and in support of self-determination in mining-affected areas and Agitate… against corporate impunity and in support of substantive regulatory change. For more info:

ACCESSIBILITY: FREE FILM || free popcorn || wheelchair accessible space

CINEMA POLITICA UofT is an initiative of OPIRG Toronto. We screen films that challenge conventional narratives and that explore under-represented stories. Our film screenings aim to engage campusand the community in critical issues surrounding equity and environmental justice. We seek to accomplish this by following each screening with a discussion about how the content of the film relates to our own experiences and what action we can take collectively.

Visit the Cinema Politica U of T website for our full film schedule.

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