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G20 Defendant Marks 6 Weeks in Jail

by Toronto Community Mobilization Network

Erik and his sister Meghan at their older sister's wedding
Erik and his sister Meghan at their older sister's wedding


G20 defendant marks six weeks in jail, Last detainee awaits bail appeal

August 4, Toronto – Community organizer and G20 activist Erik Lankin continues to remain in detention since his arrest early on June 26th. Along with others, he is facing politically-motivated charges in relation to the Toronto G8/G20 protests. He is the last detainee on conspiracy charges who remains behind bars, and is awaiting a bail appeal after almost six weeks in detention.

Friends, family, and supporters attest to Erik’s invaluable efforts to
serve the community and to further social justice. “I am anxiously
awaiting Erik’s release. As his partner and one of his closest friends, I
can confidently speak to Erik’s caring disposition,” says Niki Thorne,
Erik’s fiancé and PhD student at York University. “Whether working towards
anti-racism, or considering strategies for ending violence against women,
what stands out the most about Erik is his genuine sense of empathy for

Erik’s dedication to Indigenous rights, the environment, and anti-war
issues has earned him the respect of groups and individuals across the

According to Patricia Molloy, Professor and member of the War Resisters
Campaign, “Erik has been active in supporting war resisters for the past
several years, including traveling to Ottawa on the historic occasion of
the passage of a Parliamentary motion in favour of giving the resisters
sanctuary. Erik is a generous, thoughtful, and well spoken activist.”

Those who work with Erik commend his diligence, compassion, and humility.
“Erik has engaged in the long and patient work of educating the public
about Indigenous issues. His activism has left a positive mark in creating
relationships across cultural divides. I am deeply impressed by his
personal integrity, his commitment to his work, and his industriousness,”
says Max Haiven, former President of CUPE 3906 who now teaches at Mount
Saint Vincent University in Halifax.

The ongoing detention of Erik Lankin is causing deep concern and alarm
amongst academics and all those working for social change.

According to Gary Kinsman, a Professor at Laurentian University, “This
continued detention and politically-motivated charge is setting a
dangerous precedent in the intensifying criminalization of dissent and
political speech since the G-20 protest. This is an attempt to intimidate
and harass and is a serious assault on freedom of expression and the right
to assemble.”

Erik is a long-term and central member of the community group AW@L that
has seen several of their organizers targeted for public opposition to the
G20. “We stand against the policies of the G20 because we recognize them
to be one of the primary vehicles by which the modern world continues to
be colonized and assimilated. Everywhere that the G20 policies and agenda
are applied, we see the destruction of communities,” says Rachel Avery,
member of AW@L and music student at Wilfrid Laurier University in
Waterloo. “We look forward to the immediate release of Erik from
detention, as we continue to organize in our communities on a daily


Rachel Avery 519 616 5548,
Faraz Shahidi 905 484 0570.

To arrange further interviews email or

See original press release at:

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Megan Kinch (Megan Kinch)
Toronto Ontario
Member since December 2009


is a writer and editor with the Toronto Media Co-op.

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