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Harper In Toronto TODAY, Monday March 3, 2 PM Metro Convention Center

If you're in Toronto, and can get to the Metro Convention Center Before 2, it's the place to be.

by Daniel Johnson

Press release from the PMO:

Harper in Toronto this afternoon, 2 pm Metro Convention Centre.

For more backgound on the event and the deals being made, read Sakura Saunders excellent article regarding this same event:

The press release: 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will participate in a question and answer session at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention. He will be joined by Rodney Thomas,incoming President of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, and Ross Gallinger, Executive Director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
North Building
255 Front St. W.
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2W6

*Open to media


  • Media should arrive no later than 1:30 p.m.
  • Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.


PMO Press Office: 613-957-5555
PMO Staff Onsite: Carl Vallée,Press Secretary  

Being stuck in Regina Saskatchewan I find out about things like this in advance and then find out later that people who could have gone didn't know about it. 

The press release just came up a couple hours ago, in typical Prime Minister's Office fashion to avoid having people do exactly what people need to do, which is get there and make it clear that he's not well liked in the country he took control over in a blatantly fraudulent election. 

Fast research on Harper's fellow performers shows that Rodney Thomas,incoming President of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, is also the Vice President of Votorantim Metals Canada, the Canadian subsidiary of the Votorantim International Group. 

According to the profile on the Votorantim_group "One of the largest private economic conglomerates in Brazil, the Votorantim Group has large positions in cement and concrete, mining and metals (aluminum, zinc, nickel and steel), as well as paper and pulp production. Described by the Wall Street Journal as "a tropical style General Electric," Votorantim also produces concentrated orange juice and specialty chemicals, and is involved in a number of electric generation projects (often to service its own industrial operations). Its financial arm is Banco Votorantim.

Votorantim has a history of paternalism and conservatism, which allowed it to thrive during Brazil's military dictatorship. "

 Ross Gallinger, also with the PDAC, was an executive with IAMGOLD Corp, who are, according to their website, : "A mining and exploration company engaged in exploring and mining precious metals, primarily gold, under exploration portfolios in West Africa."

So this will be an announcement where Harper is partnering our country with executives who specialize in working with brutal dictatorships to exploit third world resources.

If you're in Toronto and you're reading this, please get there NOW. 

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Daniel Johnson (Daniel Johnson)
Regina Sask
Member since August 2013


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Just a note that IAMGOLD, along with Barrick Gold, receives millions from CIDA to do "CSR" projects in Burkina Faso and Peru.

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