Ce lettre est disponible en Français. Voir : http://www.sttp.ca/index.cfm/ci_id/12367/la_id/2
June 24, 2010
Board of Directors
Canada Post Corporation
Suite N1200
2701 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0B1
Open letter: Criteria for a new Canada Post President & CEO
Dear Directors:
I write on behalf of the 54,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) to urge you to develop your criteria carefully before you choose a new President.
CUPW strongly believes that the President of Canada Post should have a background in the post office, communications or transport sector. In order to avoid any doubt about allegiance, the President should not come from a sector that is in direct competition with Canada Post for bill payments, parcel delivery or other products and services.
Rather, the Canada Post President should be absolutely committed to providing a universal public postal service. Canada Post has a long and proud history as a public institution. The incoming President must be dedicated to ensuring that Canada Post remain in public hands, and retain its exclusive privilege to handle letters.
It is essential that the new President fully appreciate the Crown corporation’s legislated mandate to provide and improve postal service, while breaking even and ensuring good labour relations. The job requires someone who supports a vibrant public postal service.
CUPW believes that Canada Post, as a public institution, should be taking a less commercial and more socially responsible approach as it transforms our post office for the future.
Canada Post’s modernization should benefit all postal workers and users. The new President should use increases in efficiency to ensure that the health and safety of postal workers is improved and enhanced. Our public post office should also share the benefits of modernization with the public by protecting and expanding public postal service, and providing good jobs for the health of our communities.
As well, Canada Post must take significant steps to reduce its carbon footprint. The new President should be prepared to work with CUPW to ensure that this and all above concerns are addressed.
I would also like to take this opportunity to request a copy of the selection criteria—once they are complete—for the new President, and I hereby request a meeting with you in order to have a full and frank discussion.
If you have any questions about this letter, or a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response.
Denis Lemelin
National President
c.c. National Executive Board
CUPW locals
/ bk cope 225
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