Photography by Kevin Konnyu
An Idle No More day of actions against the GE Hitachi uranium processing plant in Toronto at Lansdowne and Dupont.
February 3, 2013
From the Committee for Future Generations handout (one of the groups in attendence)
<a href="http://committeeforfuturegenerations.wordpress.com/" rel="nofollow">committeeforfuturegenerations.wordpress.com/</a>
We, the Committee for Future Generations, demand the immediate shutdown of the GE Hitachi uranium processing plant at 1025 Lansdowne Avenue in Toronto. This uranium comes from the earth of First Nations territories in northern Saskatchewan, where our Elders have always told the industry to “Leave the black death-rock alone”. They did not listen, and we are now bombarded with 300 million tons of radioactive mine tailings leaching into our water, contaminating our land and blowing for miles on the winds…
Continue reading our statement, add your organization to the list of endorsers, or find out more about the GE plant in Toronto.