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Toronto Police Services visit Alternative Media Centre

Continues pattern of police harassment, intimidation and physical abuse of journalists

by G20 Alternative Media Centre

Police want information PHOTO Sean Decory
Police want information PHOTO Sean Decory

Toronto - Two Toronto Police Services officers have just approached the Alternative Media Centre, asking to speak with its members at 1:22pm.

They were immediately asked for a warrant. The officers said that there was no warrant and that they were investigating a complaint. 

When approached and asked why they were coming to the media centre, Constable S. Chen (#499) said that they were investigating a complaint from neighbours that people had been milling about the outside of the building all week. Constable Chen was accompanied by Constable N. McIsaac (#10576).

The centre has been operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week since Monday the 21st. 

According to Chen, "people called about this place". 

Police said that they could not put their complaint to rest because the media centre was not speaking to them and they did not know who the owner was.  "We don't know if there's a break and enter or if people are squatting."

When police were asked why they did not use the City of Toronto's 'assessment roles' which have the names and contact info of every property owner in the City, police said they did not know about it. 

When asked how that could be since a number of TPS officers can go to City Hall to use the information, the Constable replied "I don't know about that, it's not my division."

The visit comes while several Alternative Media Centre (AMC) journalists are in jail or the hospital.

Two were peacefully protesting at Queen's Park on Saturday before being arrested and detained.

Another, with accreditation from the Guardian, was arrested while covering the a demonstration at Novatel hotel. A strike by the hotel workers union, Unite HERE, was joined by hundreds targeting the hotel and the French delegation staying there.  Reports indicate that 150 people were arrested.

A fourth AMC journalist was arrested, ironically, while protesting the detainment of others at the Eastern Av. detention centre.  They were pulled into a van and taken away.

A fifth and sixth AMC journalist were arrested for witnessing and covering a police detainment of ten Montreal activists who were being asking for ID. One of the journalists was beaten very badly, and taken to the hospital for x-rays. Other journalists were also sporting bruises and injuries from police sustained yesterday at demonstrations.

The Two Constables at the Alternative Media Centre were later joined by a third Constable, M. Morris.  The centre's landlord  came to out to confirm that the Centre, filled with equipment and journalists for a week, was not the victim of a break and enter or group of squatters. 

Constable Chen thanked the landlord for their information and had a warning for one of the AMC journalists.  "You're only making this more difficult than it has to be," he said.

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Gwalgen Dent (Gwalgen Geordie Dent)
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461 words


 Cops arresting cops?

 Cops arresting cops?

fuck the pig police.  way to

fuck the pig police.  way to go AMC for getting the word, images, and videos out of the resistance and protests.  you provide the real info, far more detailed and informative than corporate media...

Toronto needs help

Sent to ctv tv June 26 2010
David Miller (Mayer of Toronto)
Nice coverage buddy I’m just not buying what you’re selling I’ve watched numerous footage of police linked hand in hand, shield on shield, bike to bike carefully maneuvering the protesters (like cattle) every step of the way through that cement city of yours. What I need from you, from the media is an explanation as to just how any “anarchists” can find the time for their “photo op” to smash in window fronts, and set police cars on fire and there not be one single a cop in the vicinity! That’s a fairly wide camera lens you’re using. I can see the surrounding non participating re: protester TEST PROTESTER TEST ROBOT just fine but... “Wonders of wonders” nope, not one cop! Question, I QUESTION YOUR QUEST! Was you’re over whelming police force presence “re: ordered RENDER RED ORDER to turn their backs” at just the right “re: appropriate” PROPRIETOR time”? You know for your “news conference spotlight” of the spliced and diced story of what’s really taking place in Toronto’s re: media IMPEDE coverage!”

I need, the Canadian people need, the world needs, an explanation of “the carefully planted, orchestrated set up (impose fear) of the “people” POPE DOPE PEOPLE to further remove the rights of the individual to stand against tyranny from their own dam governments, so you can further your agenda GENEVA for a “one world order!” From where I’m sitting that’s exactly what this is! Let face it you sure can’t claim a shortage of “re: personal” RESOURCE; ALL ONE PERSON this time! Those cops moved like ants, wouldn’t you say? Amen! A MEAN MAN

Now don’t get me wrong I believe the people need a governing body in an open border concept to handle the trade with our neighbors and so on. We deserve the opportunity to share the best of what “we all” can bring to the table! I feel that people have a right to a healthy happy prosperous life. A time to enjoy family and friends, raise and educate their “re: children” IDLE CHILD RENDER CHILD RED in peace. I believe that kind of government can be obtained! Just not by any of you! We don’t need a doped controlled society to support the life style of a few, while stripping an individual of their re: personality BURY LITE IN SON- IN ALL PERSONS- Feel left out ladies, you should we’re nothing more then a commodity, eye candy to be used and abused! ITS Y I TURN LITE back ON! You’re being robbed of your birth rite and they’re the ones doing it!

We don’t need these guys cutting us open to see how we tick. Experimenting on our kids, inflicting health problems on the masses, so they can take away our quality of life! Burden us with imaginary debt by charging us interest on funny money that they print up at will without the gold required to back up the wealth! Laws and legislation keeping you controlled. Creating wars, raping lands and people while they enjoy the good life at our expense!

Inquiring minds want to know exactly who’s in whose head here! Congratulation on the removal of the “protest organizers” SEE ROBIN SEE PETER’S WORDS TRUE! SEE ZEUS- SEE WE ARE PEGAN GODS prior to engagement, nice move! How many months did you spend tapping their every move, the communities every move? And your intimidation of the innocent well played!
Tell me if your intelligence and security is so dam top notched how did the “black Block” get into Toronto in the first place? How about you riddle me that! For our great leaders whom I have absolutely no respect for sure hoped no one choked on your “formal” “re: working” reveal? MORE ME MORE KING NO MORE WORK dinner! Please gentlemen don’t let your orchestrated wars; the starving, the homeless, the proscribed doped individuals who are driving their cars and working on the job, and the sick and dying ruin your appetite! See park Queen see Street Peter, kiss your ass good bye!

Added June 27, 2010 for alterative media Merriam- Webster defines 1) red 1:of the color red 2: endorsing radical social or political change esp. by force 3: of or relating to the U.S.S.R. or it’s allies 2) red 1: the color of blood or of a ruby 2: a revolution in politics 3: cap: communist 4: the condition of showing a loss.

toronto needs help

sent to Canada am June 25, 2010
“Re: Harper officially launches G8 summit in Huntsville"

Ok reveal, I can’t see it? I C I CALL ALL ALLIES In officially ok why? ALL LIE! That’s a given! FISCAL! Hang in there I’m going to look it up! Merriam- Webster defines fiscal as: adj. basket, treasury 1: of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt (scary that I see bet in debt and pub in public) 2: of or relating to financial matters! So tell me? FISCAL FISHY! I see oil in officially! OFFICIALS TALK OIL OVER LUNCH! Yes, I see it? What are they up to? DRILLING IN GULF! What about the drilling in the Gulf? BUSINESS AS USUAL FOR CO. (company) I see unch In launches SMALL CAP PENNIE STOCK! I see church I see pope! VATICIAN HERE! Undercover of course! OFCOURSE! Lets look at the word “summit”, I see commit to sum! Honestly, I really hate you bastards! Since I see pharmaceuticals lets turn to the war on drugs! OPIUM! Good for Harper didn’t he just sigh a free trade with China! Party hardy boys!
Now let’s look at POLICE OFFICERS IN LINE! Truly hard to miss! POLICE CROSS LINE! Yes, to you reporters out there I want to hear you interviewing the residents in Toronto I want to hear about the police intimidation going on, now!

La policía de Toronto visita el Centro de Medios Alternativos

La policía de Toronto visita el Centro de Medios Alternativos

  • Continúa el patrón de hostigamiento policial, la intimidación y el maltrato físico a los periodistas

x el Centro de Medios Alternativos G20

Toronto, 27 de junio.- Dos oficiales de la Policía de Toronto se acercaron al Centro de Medios Alternativos pidiendo hablar con sus miembros a las 1:22 pm.

Se les preguntó de inmediato si tenían una orden judicial. Los policías dijeron que no había ninguna orden judicial y que estaban investigando una queja.

Cuando se acercó y se le preguntó por qué estaban próximos al Centro de Medios, el alguacil S. Chen (# 499) dijo que estaban investigando una queja de los vecinos sobre gente que había estado dando vueltas por el exterior del edificio durante toda la semana. El alguacil Chen estuvo acompañado por el alguacil N. McIsaac (# 10576).

El centro ha estado funcionando 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana desde el lunes 21.

Según Chen, "la gente ha estado haciendo llamadas sobre este lugar".

La policía dijo que no podía desechar la denuncia, porque en el Centro de Medios no les contestaban y ellos no sabían quién era el dueño. "No sabemos si es una invasión o si es una ocupación".

Cuando se les preguntó a los policías por que no hiceron uso del "asignador de roles" de la Ciudad de Toronto, que cuenta con los nombres e información de contacto de cada dueño de propiedades en la ciudad, los policías dijeron que no sabían nada de él.

Cuando se les preguntó que cómo era posible que no supieran, dado que la policía de Chicago puede ir al Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad para usar esta informatición, el alguacil contestó: "No se nada de eso, no es de mi división.

La visita se produce mientras que varios periodistas del Centro de Medios Alternativos (AMC) están en la cárcel o el hospital.

Dos de ellos asistieron a una protesta pacífica en el Queen's Park el sábado, antes de ser detenidos y arrestados.

Otro, con la acreditación de el Guardián, fue detenido mientras cubría la manifestación que iba al hotel Novatel. Una huelga por el sindicato de trabajadores del hotel, Unite HERE, fue acompañada por cientos de personas, fijándose como objetivo el hotel donde permanece la delegación francesa. Los informes indican que 150 personas fueron arrestadas.

Un cuarto periodista del Centro de Medios Alternativos fue detenido, irónicamente, mientras protestaban por la detención de otras personas en el centro de detención de la Av. Oriental. Ellos fueron sacados en una camioneta y se lo llevaron del Centro de Detención.

El quinto y sexto periodista del Centro de Medios Alternativos fueron arrestados por presenciar y cubrir una detención policial de 10 activistas de Montreal a quienes estaban pidiendo identificaciones. Uno de los periodistas fue muy severamente golpeado, de tal forma que tuvo que ser llevado a un hospital para que le tomaran radiografías. Otros periodistas resultaron con contusiones y lesiones inflingidas por la policía en las manifestaciones de ayer.

A los dos alguaciles en el Centro de Medios Alternativos se les unió más tarde un tercer alguacil: M. Morris. El dueño de la casa del Centro de Medios vino luego para confirmar que el Centro, lleno de equipos y periodistas por una semana, no fue víctima de una invasión o de un grupo de okupas.

El alguacin Chen agradeció al dueño por su información e hizo una advertencia a uno de los periodistas del Centro de Medios Alternativos: "Sólo estás haciendo esto más difícil de lo que tiene que ser"

Organized stalking'gang stalking/community watch programs

Want a story? Investigate commuity watch programs and organized stalking/gang stalking. Expose perps and their criminal activity: community mobbing,slandering campaigns, break and enter, assaults, death threats, property damage, and 24/7 monitoring. Simply because people are standing up for their rights.
Want some victims to interview? Want some evidence? There are a lot of Canadian victims ready to tell their story. It's happening all over Toronto folks and thousands don't realize they are.
If you were asked to participate in this criminal activity, tell your story. Are you too scared to expose this? Don't be. You have the power, not criminals using tax payers money.

Organized stalking'gang stalking/community watch programs

Want a story? Investigate commuity watch programs and organized stalking/gang stalking. Expose perps and their criminal activity: community mobbing,slandering campaigns, break and enter, assaults, death threats, property damage, and 24/7 monitoring. Simply because people are standing up for their rights.
Want some victims to interview? Want some evidence? There are a lot of Canadian victims ready to tell their story. It's happening all over Toronto folks and thousands don't realize they are.
If you were asked to participate in this criminal activity, tell your story. Are you too scared to expose this? Don't be. You have the power, not criminals using tax payers money.

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