More on this story by NATASCIA LYPNY for the Media Co-op
Some context from the Guardian UK:
From the Facebook call out for the event:
Queen's Park -south side in front of Legislature
We will assemble at 11:45 at Queen’s Park, ( IMPORTANT: WE MEET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF QUEEN'S PARK, IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING ) there will be a few short speeches, and we will march down University Ave.to Elm Street and back to Queen’s Park.
Please come – in a lab coat if possible – and bring a friend along.
The Toronto Rally is jointly organized by the UTGSU http://www.gsu.utoronto.ca/ and Scientists for the Right to Know http://www.scientistsfortherighttoknow.ca/
Scientists for the Right to Know began when we -- a collective of
concerned citizens -- realized that the Canadian federal government has been
waging a systematic assault on science as the basis of relevant
information for policy making, and for knowing ourselves as a country
and a nation.
Here are just a few of the issues we will no longer know about ourselves:
Accurate detailed information about recent immigrants, people with
disabilities, Aboriginal people, people with lower levels of education,
post-secondary students because of the abolition of the mandatory
long census form.
Information about the environmental effects of almost 3,000 projects
-- information collection which was cancelled by the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Agency after passing of the Omnibus Bill.
The number of Aboriginal women gone missing or murdered through the
cutting of the Sisters in Spirit database.
Detailed information on the lives of low-income Canadians through the
abolition of the National Council of Welfare.
Some of the ways in which science is being destroyed include:
Closing down whole research organizations
Partially de-funding research organizations
Maintaining a research organization but perverting its work
Stacking overseeing bodies with government supporters
Firing (or not renewing, or harassing until they resign) individuals who oppose government polices
Preventing the remaining scientists from speaking to the public, or the media
Preventing scientists to communicate with other scientists
Making it illegal for government scientists to criticize the government on and even off work
In other words, the current federal government is out to destroy science as a basis for gaining information.